The coffee vending machine has remained an office icon for decades.  It is traditionally known as an automatic machine that dispenses coffee in paper cups. Some of these machines also dispense stirrers and sugar along with the beverage. 


Today there are numerous types of vending machines available which dispense different types of beverages. These machines feature a platform, an area where the cups are automatically filled with the beverage, and slots which are used to deposit the money. 


Office coffee vending machines, like almost all other business items, are constantly upgrading and changing due to technological advancements.  Today there are office vending machines which offer a variety of different flavored coffees, espresso and cappuccino.


Some of these machines dispense snacks, soda and various other types of beverages too. These vending machines are often installed in public places such as bus stations, hospitals, and airports, but are also largely used in office spaces as well. This blog will further explore the various benefits of an office coffee vending machine.


The initial notable advantage of an office coffee vending machine is ‘A Clean Break Room’.  Using an office coffee vending machine helps to reduce the clean up which is required in such rooms. The vending machine pours the coffee into the cup which is secured with a lid, creating fewer chances of spillage.


The next benefit of an office coffee vending machine is ‘Conservation of Space’.  An office hot drink vending machine helps to conserve space as items such as sugar, cups, milk, filters, stirrers and so forth are stored inside the machine. 


The next plus is that coffee office vending machines are an extremely ‘Cost Effective’ method to brew beverages. Moreover, some of these machines can quickly brew the finest varieties of hot beverages in different tastes and flavors. In addition, coffee vending machines also ‘Increase Productivity’ due to the fact that office hot beverage vending machines decrease the time spent by employees having to brew their beverage. In fact, these machines are able to dispense the hot beverage of choice within minutes.


The next coffee vending machine benefit for the office is ‘Availability’.  With the use of an office coffee vending machine, the beverages are available at all times throughout the day and night, therefore proving to be ideal for workplaces with extended work time such as callcenters, hospitals, etc.  A final plus of an office coffee vending machine is it’s ability to offer a wide selection of ‘Different Blends’ of hot drinks.  In fact, today the hot beverage choices of many office vending machines include numerous gourmet and name brand coffee blends.


Coffee vending machines remain essential to every modern office as they help to improve the productivity and reduce stress in work places. Today, office coffee vending machines allow the entire office staff to consume better quality drinks in a variety of tastes and flavors. 


For more information about vending machines, water dispensers and beverage dispensers for any office check out Tassi Vending at, or by telephone at 206-240-0755.


Explore the time, space and productivity benefits that a hot beverage vending machine can bring to your office.  Contact the office coffee machine experts at Tassi Vending today at, or by telephone at 206-240-0755.