Vending machines have been around for decades and they haven’t changed much in appearance. The average junk food vending machine is a brown-colored behemoth full of chocolate, chips, soda, and not much in the way of nutritional value. 

Allow me to give you some uplifting news.  Thankfully, now there are vendors who have a new frame of thought for the vending business: Why not offer a vending machine that provides good, nutritional food to the masses instead of slowly trying to kill them? These companies are poised to revolutionize the vending business.

Cutting Fat, Not Contributing to It.  A vending machine is usually full of high-calorie, low-nutrition foods and sodas which we turn to in times of our need for “a quick snack”.  However, while vending machines have provided us with a rapid bite to eat, vending machines have also helped to cause the growing obesity epidemic in America, especially the obesity of our children.  

Vending machines that are placed in schools get our children pumped up with fat, sugar and calories while they’re away at school. Finally, there’s a reason to breathe a sigh of relief. Today, there are vending machine providers that care about the health of our children and are intent on providing healthy snacks and beverages with the same convenience the public has grown accustomed to. Not only do these machines provide food that end your hunger, they will give you energy and taste great while being healthy for your heart and kind to your healthy eating resolution. 

Providing Value.  Having to buy several inexpensive items will inevitably be more costly than paying a bit more for something that will last longer and ultimately provide more satisfaction. This same attitude can be applied to the new era of healthy vending machines.  Americans love a bargain, there’s no doubt about that. But Americans also love a well-made, enduring product, and will pay more for it, especially when it combines a great product and great service. 

Healthy vending machines now offer nutritional drinks and snacks that are satisfying immediately and healthy in the long run. That said, it is easy to see how these machines will revolutionize the industry. Sure, their products might cost a quarter more, but isn’t your health and well-being worth more than a couple of quarters?

Getting Organic. Organic food is beginning to catch on in America, especially with reports detailing the potentially-harmful side effects pesticides, preservatives and growth hormones provide. Still, most vendors ignore this in their attempts to keep their profit margins high with vending machines filled with sugary snacks.  For the vending machines that do provide healthy organic options, the future looks bright as many Americans begin to search for convenient, nutritional snacks to tide them over between meals. 

Educate and sell.  A few companies with a healthy outlook exist, and these companies want to educate you, as well as satisfy your hunger. If they provide you with the reason why you should buy a Clif bar instead of the candy bar, you are more likely to do it repeatedly. If they can prove to you that there are more outcomes than just a sugar rush to your decision, they can still make a profit and feel good about what they deliver to the general public. Forward-thinking companies supply their vending machines with LCD screens that educate their consumers with short videos and nutritional facts about what their products contain. With this nutritional guidance people will hopefully choose to reward their body and hunger with a healthy snack bought from a vending machine.

Going Green. Green is all the rage these days. From automotive manufacturers to dog walkers, everyone is trying to be more environmentally conscious. Everyone except traditional vending machine operators.  Traditional vending machines not only distribute unhealthy snacks and beverages, they are also incredible energy hogs.

While the DOE is intent on imposing new regulations on the energy consumption of vending machines, it seems that only the biggest names in the industry, such as Coke and Pepsi, are taking it seriously. 

Perhaps it’s a bit too much to say that traditional vendors don’t care about your health or the environment, but with the means to aid both, it seems truer now than ever before.

Investing In the Future.  Healthy vending machines are set to change the way the general public looks at food. By having their products available for healthy, inexpensive sampling, they are in effect creating a domino effect. Parents will find these machines, purchase something and enjoy it. They will then purchase a larger amount of it at the local grocery store and encourage their children to eat it. The children will have their lives affected in a way that will change their perception of foods.

The new era of healthy vending is here, and it is seeking to make a positive impact on generations to come. These healthy machines will revolutionize the vending business as a whole, and in effect, change the way we see snacking. No longer will our hunger be dominated by sweets and sodas, but will be squashed by products that are nutritional and beneficial. Not only will we look and feel better, we will take comfort in knowing we are doing the best for ourselves, and the generations to follow.