Ever had a day in the office where you are working on a project and it is going so well you just know that the output is going to be great? You do not even want to stop for fear that you’ll lose your momentum. You’ve basically ‘zoned out’ and nothing can distract you except for maybe one thing … The gnawing hunger pangs accompanied by intermittent stomach noises. You do not have the option of eating quickly at your desk because you did not bring a lunch. Option two is the nearest eatery, that MIGHT be quick but it is almost two blocks away. The third option is the cafeteria that serves food comparable in taste to cardboard on its best day, not to mention extremely overpriced. And of course, there’s always the last resort – the faithful vending machine where you can create a meal of with a combination of nuts, potato chips, chocolates and a soda.

Vending machine food is not all that bad, that is, if you’re not referring to the traditional vending machine filled with candy, chips and sweet pastries. In fact, many places now offer an alternative – vending machines stocked with healthy options such as salads, sandwiches, juices as well as snacks like granola bars and fruit. They may also include some of the traditional items such as chocolates and chips, for those that still want that option.

It’s a trend that is becoming more common in offices with employers opting to provide micro-markets to replace conventional lunch rooms. They can be compared to convenient stores, with a similar layout with beverage refrigeration units, open shelves, stands and a checkout system. The difference is it is an unmanned kiosk system that allows those purchasing items to pay via the kiosk with cash, credit or debit cards.  It often works based on the ‘honor system’ and is also equipped with surveillance cameras for those hungry patrons who are also bold, ignorant and looking for trouble.

The market offers fresh foods, including unique items such as microwaveable pre-mashed potatoes, which are replenished at least once a day so they are always fresh and ready to eat. It provides the perfect complement of quick energy filled foods, ideal for employees looking for a healthy, quick meal option. Because everyone knows that when we get food fast, we eat it fast, leaving us with enough time to meet deadlines.

The benefits are numerous and include:

– Proper Nutrition;

– Convenience;

– Fresh foods with great selections;

– Automatic inventory that ensures products are fresh;

– Wide and healthy assortment of products which are not too fattening; and

– No more vending machines problems – machine errors, dangling snacks or even empty product spaces due untimely replenishment.

Employees are not the only ones benefiting from Micro Markets.  Employers can also benefit due to:

– Energized employees;

– Reduced machine service calls;

– A layout that is fully customized – tailored to fit the company’s style, taste and space;

– Healthy food choices that foster healthier work habits;

– Increased employee efficiency;

– Reduced employee downtime due to extended breaks and lunches; and

– Enhanced corporate behaviour and culture.

With different food alternatives and affordable prices, the choice is easy.

Tassi Vending is a provider of Micro Markets and healthy vending machines.  Check them out at https://tassivending.com.