Today it has become very important to create workplaces that are enjoyable and comfortable for employees that include coffee vending machines. Gone were the days when workplaces were just composed of thousands upon thousands of employee cubicles. In 2022, when creativity, as well as consistent/reliable employees that actually show up to work as scheduled, are of utmost importance to any company, workplaces finally now understand the need to emphasize workspaces that foster creativity and collaboration among the minds of employees.

That’s progress!? However, it seems that these discussions on effective office spaces have thus far only concentrated on the interior design & structure of the workplaces themselves and have afforded little thought into the actual facilities put within these office spaces. For example, there has been a marked reduction in office cubicles throughout the United States, but it seems that dining areas in the office remain completely ignored.

Truth is … just putting a couple of coffee vending machines within the vicinity of any office can make a huge difference. These vending machines also provide employees with a sense of choice according to the kind of coffee that they prefer. Some want it milky. Some do not want to have sugar at all. With only a press of a button, the desired coffee concoction is already in front of the person desiring it. No need to mix together and count spoonful’s of sugar. Everything is done automatically.

In addition, coffee vending machines can be complemented by other vending machines, all with the purpose of providing employees with instant refreshments to make their work more enjoyable. Adding these perks gives employees the sense that their comfort is essential to the company.

For more information about workplace coffee stations and office vending machines with healthy food options, contact Tassi Vending, found online at or 206.240.0755. Get in touch with Tassi Vending today to learn about workplace food & beverage options such as a Micro Market with healthy food & snack choices, as well as office coffee vending machine options.

Creating a ‘workplace’ where people do their jobs does not only end in the choice of proper colors or ergonomic desk chairs. The office improvements have to be encompassing, and coffee machines and vending machines are excellent commodities to use for the refreshments department.

Visit the Tassi Vending website today for more information on workplace vending machines and office food!